An untreated wound will fester and infect the whole body. Our complete healing will ONLY take place when the infection is treated and removed. Spiritual surgery allows for the healing, as the process of removal occurs. Let’s ask God for strength and guidance in making the necessary first cut. Often times God is already at work by guiding us with whispers in our hearts to change, move away from, or remove someone or something from our lives. Other times, we pray and believe that He will assist us, provide clarity, and eliminate things and people – as a result you are no longer in the same position or people are no longer within your reach. This hurts! We feel a sense of devastation, pain and confusion. This destruction must occur before the buildup and construction, so something new can manifest. In Christ, destruction is fertile ground to a newly constructed life.
Make no mistake this process is uncomfortable, yet this is the start of an abundant life (John 10:10 NKJV). This is also the start of restoration. It is NOT easy, but pushing past the temporary discomfort is necessary to obtain that promise of life in abundance. It’s apart of a journey which God intends to be a blessing to you and in turn blesses others. God’s ultimate blueprint guides us on how to live victoriously. I know this for sure because I get glimpses of glorious wins which allows me to become more perfected in Christ, feeling more complete, and lacking in nothing.
Once upon a time, long ago, I unknowingly allowed my lack of self-worth to guide and steer my decisions. For a while, my voice was lost. Rooted in fear and anxiety, I use to “walk on eggshells” at home. My wounds were covered with the band-aid of middle class normalcy. Bullied from everything from skin complexion in elementary school to standard speech articulation and possessing sincere cheerfulness in high school (apparently we all are in a struggle and how dare I buck the system). Everything seemed respectable and well, except for poor choices in many friends and boyfriends. I was drawn to the meanest, neediest and damaged types; we could always spot each other out. Situations unfolded that could have completely taken my sound mind, but God had his hands on me. Spiritual surgery was in order! How can I feel restoration when my former experience with churches and church people were dull, stagnant and lifeless? How can I heal when I am going from battle to battle with no armor? The same patterns were unfolding.
“…And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 NKJV
I have realized God always provides something or someone to propel us further – whether seeming good or bad at the time. These are beautiful blessings once you are intentionally striving to live His will, not your own. A national motivational speaker often says with conviction, “YOU have to do the work!” This reminded me to get moving, but it was in reading and mediating on the Word of God, the Lord showed me how to move and apply His Word in my life. Once I started to actively develop my own relationship with Him, then I deliberately recognized His promises, disregarded self-pity, shame and consciously welcomed the Holy Spirit’s convictions and corrections to help push forward. My push also came in the form of mentors, my spiritual leader – Pastor Marchelle McLeod, the living word – the Bible, and my growing intimacy with God. My voice became stronger as I matured, studied God’s word and implemented it in my daily life. It has helped me overcome, yet it is still a process. It’s been more than a decade long process. During this time, I am surrounded by even more loving friends whose friendships are a blessing and their stories of recovery are inspirational and a testament to how God can use us after the destruction period. As a result of my re-construction period:
Self-worth and self-love became paramount;
Forgiveness and grace became super important;
There is finally peace within me regarding my past contentious relationship with my father which has improved;
I admire my father’s courageousness; he did his best as a father, a fatherless son who broke the cycle;
I understand and have worked on the root of my poor choices;
Advocating on the prevention and healing of abuse has become significant;
Actively mentoring and also allowing myself to be a mentee became key;
Reduction of stress became vital after 3 surgeries within a two-month period;
Earning a graduate degree with high honors after 8 years – as a full-time working adult, different grad programs, including one program dismissal, defines my perseverance;
Understanding the precious value of life from the deaths of former teammates;
Heeding the lessons learned from a close friend’s near death experience, as well as my own has increased my appreciation for life and the healing & protective power of Jesus Christ;
Advocating for myself without hesitation is no longer a problem; and
I look forward to His unfolding blueprint for my life because the glimpses are beautiful!
I encourage YOU to look forward to the construction after the God granted destruction. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added upon you.” Matthew 6:33 NKJV It’s worth the discomfort.
Copyright © 2016-2018. Sherry White. All rights reserved.